What are Containers?
While working as a developer, many have faced the situation where the code will be working fine in your machine, but when it is released to production, there will be some issues. When the issue is reported, and the developer tries to recreate it in his/her local machine, it will be working fine. Now the client may say that there might be any dependencies with any software that the developer has already installed on the machine and that has not been shared with the production team. Here a clash arises between both teams which will escalate very quickly.
Here comes the use of containers, Containers can be seen as a package of software that will have all the dependencies to run in any environment. Containers can be defined as packages that are lightweight and contain the application code and its dependencies including the runtime libraries required to run the program.
The main advantage of the container is it allows the development team to move the software from one environment to another without any concerns. Another point is that they can be run anywhere virtually. Data consistency is also an important advantage of using containers.
Docker is now a promising platform where we can use containers as said above. The main point is that we can share docker images with other people so that they can start exactly from where the other person stopped coding.
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